Monday, August 14, 2006

Logic Brain vs. Artist Brain

“Logic brain was and is our survival brain. It works on known principles. Anything unknown is perceived as wrong and possibly dangerous. Logic brain likes things to be neat little soldiers marching in a straight line. Logic brain is the brain we usually listen to, especially when we are telling ourselves to be sensible.
Logic brain is our Censor, our second (and third and fourth) thoughts. Faced with an original sentence, phrase, paint squiggle, it says, ‘What the hell is that? That’s not right!’
Artist brain is our inventor, our child, our very own personal absent-minded professor. Artist brain says, ‘Hey! That is so neat! It puts odd things together (boat equals wave and walker). It likes calling a speeding GTO a wild animal: ‘The black howling wolf pulled into the drive-in…’
Artist brain is our creative, holistic brain. It thinks in patterns and shadings. It sees fall forest and thinks: Wow! Leaf bouquet! Pretty! Gold-gilt-shimmery-earthskin-king’s-carpet!”- Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way

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